Nitzan Censor Laboratory

Nitzan Censor Lab

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research laboratory

Uncovering the dynamic nature of procedural memories: A gateway to understanding learning and forgetting

New Publication!

September 1, 2021

Congratulations Gilad!

August 1, 2021

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June 6, 2021

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May 25, 2020

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April 21, 2020

ERC Consolidator Grant

December 12, 2019

A vital property of the brain is its capacity to undergo plastic changes, manifested as changes in beh​avioral performance. Understanding how the brain enables perceptual and skill learning is a basic scientific question with far reaching implications. Our research investigates the link between the way by which perceptual and motor memories are formed and modified in the human brain, and the resulting learning which enables skill improvements over time. To understand the mechanisms by which learning and memory are modulated over time, we use a multimodal approach combining behavioral psychophysics, non-invasive brain stimulation, and neuroimaging. In addition, we are interested in how the identified learning mechanisms operate across learning domains. Gaining a detailed understanding of learning dynamics may carry practical implications geared to enhance learning in daily life, in learning impairments, and in aging populations.

Novel pathways for human brain plasticity

Our research provides a detailed look at the core intersection of human brain and behavior, utilizing a multimodal approach combining behavioral psychophysics, non-invasive brain stimulation, virtual reality, and neuroimaging. This approach enables us to establish a cause-and-effect link between changes in human behavior and their underlying brain mechanisms.

Specifically, we have been leveraging mechanisms identified at the synaptic-level showing that brief reactivations of existing memories open discrete time windows for plasticity – and apply them to induce human brain plasticity at the systems-level and impact behavior: enhancing visual perception and motor action, or downregulating negative memories.

As such, our findings carry significant implications for daily life function in health and disease, contributing to the development of strategies geared to enhance performance and memory when beneficial, and downregulate maladaptive consequences of negative memories.